I wanted to share with you some great news...
A few weeks ago, I received an email from the Bellevue Arts Museum in which they invited me to be take part in their jewelry only marketplace, titled INDULGE. The museum has selected 30 jewelers ranging from BC to NYC to show their work for one weekend! Here is snapshot of BAM's website (head on over there for more details):

I was truly surprised!
I am really excited to share with you my experience leading up to the event, my new work, the booth/display (thanks to Rebecca, Chris, and Christy for offering to help with that and for all the pointers-- means a lot to me), and of course images from the event. So I hope you will take part in my adventure and will read along as things unfold. These next few weeks my studio will be quite busy. (I will do my best to post new blogposts as often as possible.) Wish me luck!